PSR-E253 Yamaha
The design of PSR-E253 is the result of a deep analyzing of target user, together with usability, aesthetics and performance. Provided with gentle curves generates a smooth rounded body, which is attractive from any angle. Its design has considered from 360°, paying attention to user and audience point of view and inviting everyone to practice and learn music.
Reference: smooth and solid.

An enjoyable entry keyboard
The Yamaha first keyboard. Is the ideal instrument for aspiring musicians who are just starting out.

Is a serious fun solution. Our design aproach is create a keyboard with a lot of great features and at the same afordable user interface that allows beginers to understand how to use in a easy and quick way. Learning music will be fun and easier.

During PSR E253 design and development were several design trials, mock ups and prototype. This process was very helpful in order to achive the final product. Testing user interface, appearance, design details and so on.